Caring about my family's health goes beyond what we put into our mouths. It matters what paint we use, what we clean with, what we put on our skin, etc...... About a year ago, I discovered how easy, affordable, and healthier it is to make my own laundry powder. Prior to this, we were buying one of the natural (read "expensive") brands and going through it quite quickly with a family of 6.
This recipe is so incredibly easy, and it works!
At first, my husband was a skeptic and separated out his clothes to wash in a typical laundry detergent made from chemicals and smelling so strong like chemical fragrance. Yuck!
Well, after trying it out, he is convinced too that it is best....and it even works on stinky man clothes....even after a day of working in the yard!
I first discovered the recipe on my friend Lisa's blog : I use her exact recipe, and it works great everytime!
1. Gather your ingredients: baking soda, washing soda, borax, and soap bars. I use Dr. Bronner's castille soap because that is what we use anyways, and it is great stuff.! We buy the peppermint scent at Trader Joes for a very good price, but they also make many other lovely smells, such as rose and lavender.
2. Grate 2 bars of Dr. Bronner's soap.
I love the way the grated soap looks and feels!
3. To the 2 bars of grated soap, add 2 cups of borax, 2 cups of baking soda, and 2 cups of washing soda. All of these ingredients can be found inexpensively at your local grocery store.
4. I then put all of the ingredients through the dry container of my Vitamix blender to create a powder.
Some pieces of soap will remain, but most of it will be a fine powder. |
That's it! So simple and cheap and fun to make! This recipe makes enough to fill 2 plastic quart yogurt containers. For our high efficiency washer, I use 2 tbsp. per load, and it lasts at least a month. Better for the Earth, better for our bodies......good stuff! Try it. I think you'll be pleased! |
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